SZA unveiled a new concept for her European festival performances this summer. IMMANENT teamed up with Silent House and TDE to deliver a visual fantasy setting that travels in and out of subterranean caves, macroscopic forests, and robotic themes.
Creative Director: SZA
Show Director: Dan Norman, Silent House
Choreographer: Fullout Cortland
Visual Content Team: Immanent
Producers: Drew Best, Tara LaPlante
Content Director: Strangcg
Editor / Colorist: Romario Rivera
3D Artists + Animators: Ben Leonard, Andre Zakhya, Jon Narmour,, Ofer Zmora, Jereon Snik
Lighting Programmer: Jason Steel
Disguise Programmer: Blair Nicholson
Camera Director Bradley Calder
Laser Programmer: Jack Hooper
LED Vendor: Fuse Technical Group
Management: Punch, MeLisa Heath, Saj Motley, Amber Wilson
Tour Director: Matthew Walt
Production Manager: Brishon Neu
Production Coordinator: Kevin Stowell
Stage Manager: Sable Gillespie
IMMANENT teamed up with Human Person to create immersive stage environments for SZA's North American SOS Tour that began in February 2023 and will tour through March. Directed by Ian Valentine, the creative teams brought to life SZA's vision of her aquatic themed narrative: a voyage at sea becoming shipwrecked only to be saved and to survive! The Immanent team mainly focused on the harbor and boat portions of the show. The ambitious and elaborate production must be experienced live, catch it in your city if you can.
Creative Direction: SZA
Creative Design: Human Person
Show Director:Ian Valentine
Production / Lighting Designer: Ben Dalgleish
Choreographer: Fullout Courtland
Animation by Immanent & Human Person
Immanent Team:
Content Director: Drew Best
Content Producer:Tara LaPlante
UE Lead Programmer / Artist: Colin Strang
UE Artists: Cameron Leahy, Ofer Zmora, Ricky Runfola
3D Modeler: Jon Narmour
UE Lighting: Ben Dalgleish
Tour Director: Matthew Walt
Production Manager: C.J. Stasinos
Stage Manager: Sable Gillespie
<< Full Credits
Immanent teamed up with Human Person to deliver a harbor inspired stage creation for SZA The production debuted during her 2022 headline performance for Wireless Fest in London. Human Person came up with the stage design, direction, and lighting for the show, a lighthouse perched over a dock and supplemented with sea props. Immanent created the virtual environments to extend this set using Unreal Engine. We explored day and night looks with epic sunset skies and aurora filled starry night and created a variety of weather conditions from boats floating by in calm waves to robust storms crashing against the dock. The result is a fantastic stage experience that SZA dominated.
Visual Content Team: Immanent
Content Director: Drew Best
Content Producer: Tara LaPlante
UE Artists: Strangcg, Ben Leonard
UE Programmer: Brandon Rosado
UE Lighting Programmer: Josh Lowenstein
3D Modeler: Jon Narmour
VJ: Mike LaMartina
Stage Design, Show, Lighting Design: Human Person
Show Director: Ian Valentine
Choreographer: Fullout Cortland
Lighting Designer: Ben Dalgleish
Lighting Director / Programmer: Elliot Jessep
Technical Director / Lighting Programmer: Stephen Hedges
Producer: Molly Leishman
Art Director: Frances Waite
Photographer: Ell Earl
Scenic Designer: Laura Little, Leos Playground
Scenic Painters / Assistants: Jack Oswald, Jaclyn Pappalardo, Maia De Emmony
Tour Director - Matthew Walt
Production Manager: C.J. Stasinos
Road Manager: Lauren Abderrahman
Production Coordinator: Alysia Cortez